Friday, November 4, 2011

Fantastic, it's Friday!

Music "Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park

I remember a day in my not-so-distant past when I lived for Friday.  Today, ironically enough, would have been a payday Friday if I were still employed by Satan.  Instead, I'm happily not employed by those assholes anymore, though I do miss the paychecks...but overall, much happier without them dragging me down.

Reflectively speaking, I think a lot of my unhappiness was rooted in the fact that I hated my job.  I know that it is what you make of it, but when you are constantly unhappy with your employer, your attitude suffers as well.  Don't get me wrong, I miss seeing my cops and firefighters on a daily basis.  I miss the friendship, the conversations, and especially the laughs the 'twins' provided whenever they came to visit.  I feel, probably incorrectly if you ask them, like I am now somehow out of the family, which has been difficult to accept.  But again, I'm still happier that I am not working there.  I hated my boss, hated the policy changes, despised the meetings about meetings, and I would have rather given myself a root canal with a rusty spork than go to another all-staff meeting.  It's difficult to see how miserable you have become until you're outside the perspective and able to reflect on the things that made you unhappy.  I miss a few of my coworkers as well, but the ones that I really want to see I still have contact it's still a win in that sense, in my mind.  I still talk to some of my cops, I still text my firefighter friends, and I have drinks / lunch with the coworkers...all without having to get up and drag my ass to a job I hate, work for a douchebag boss, and abide by policies that have liked changed since I woke up.  Win/Win in my books.

Now, in the freedom that is my life for the here-and-now, I consider everyday "Friday".  I'm happy almost everyday for one reason or another, not worrying about what day of the week it actually is.  Sure, I miss having a schedule and a routine, but sometimes the freedom of not worrying about clean clothes that are presentable for work makes up for the fact that I get up when I want, do what I want, wear what I want, and answer the phone if I want.  My here-and-now allows me the freedom to decompress from the last four years working for 'the man' and being miserable.  It's like an extended defragmentation of my brain that has been long overdue for some time now.  It has allowed me the time to get to the things that have typically be back-burnered for some time now.

On a positive note, a position was posted today for an IT job at my fiance's sister's place of employment and she's running a hand-delivered copy of my resume to their HR people as I type this.  Could end up being a good Friday afterall! ;)

Goals for today:
  1. Finish paper for friend.
  2. Take bad board out of the TV to get that send in on RMA.
  3. Try to find a replacement board for the TV online so I don't have to pay a local shop to come install it for me.
  4. 60 minutes on the treadmill or in the pool tonight.
  5. Healthy dinner and in bed by 2300.

1 comment:

  1. Daryl needs to read this, sounds like you two were in the same boat. Glad to hear you are doing better! It's hard to keep positive, but you're doing all the right things. Good luck on the job situation, but enjoy your free time while you have it!
